Before you log this job …
- Is this a matter for Prompcorp (Facilities Managemeent, if Production please refer to your GenesisCare Maintenance Front Line Manager
- Have you logged the job before – if, yes, check GenesisCare - Concord Orders for a status update or call your Prompcorp Building Manager to enquire about progress
The more details the better please…
- The more details we get, the easier it is to assign to the correct technician along with the correct equipment and parts.
- For example, if a wall has a hole, what is the wall made of, how big is the hole? If the wall requires painting, how big is the wall (height and length) and what type of paint is there now (matt, satin, gloss)?
- Please have a photo ready to attach to the request and even a (hand-drawn) plan if required
Your GenesisCare Site Contact: Building Manager